Why Amanda?

My Approaches to Evaluation and Therapy

My methods for evaluating are dynamic. I use parent interview, review of medical and developmental histories/records, IEPs/IFSPs, norm-based tests, and informal assessment. I find the use of informal assessment including speech and language samples combined with other types of assessment and analyses to yield the most accurate results. This helps me get a better picture of your child's strengths and weaknesses. I continue to work on becoming a more neurodiversity-affirming therapist who values a child's strengths, self-advocacy, and brain differences. As a neurodivergent person myself, this hits close to home.  

For therapy I do not believe in a single method. Instead, I individualize my therapy, tailoring approaches that work best with your child and family. Each child is different, and therefore therapy will not look the same for every child. I strive for connection first with my clients because the best learning is done when a child feels comfortable and valued. I continue to learn  and grow as a therapist by reviewing current research and attending continuing education opportunities with experts in my field. You will find most of my therapy to be play based related to the child's interests, especially for younger children. I value individual autonomy and family participation in each and every session. 

I have additional training in the following: 

-Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing® program (LiPS) for reading, spelling, and speech

-Visualizing and Verbalizing® method for comprehension, vocabulary, and higher order thinking

-Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC) for children with motor-based speech disorders